- AGE: 23
- Height: 5'9"
- Weight: 170
- Eyes: Hazel
- Work: Nokia Telecommunications
- Job Desc: MSC/HLR Software Design Engineer (Yes I am in fact an Engineer...
see schooling, and Yes... I also have a slight problem with Most CS only people
who claim the same thing)
- Schooling: B.S. Electrical Engineering, B.S. Computer Science from Texas
Tech University, Lubbock Texas
- Current Residence: Los Colinas, Texas (Between Dallas and FortWorth)
- Marital Status: heh I'm sure you can guess based on the quality of work
I've put into this web page that only about 5 people will ever look at :)
- QUAKE!!! / QuakeII
- Quake Map Design
- Programming (C++/C/Linux/Windows/etc..)
- Reading: Sci-Fi Mostly.. See my Booklist.
- SnowBoarding (Ya, that's not me up there, but I wish it was)
- Wakeboarding: This is a cross between Surfing and Water Skiing
- RacquetBall
- Climbing/Rappelling (That's most likely spelled wrong)
- Watching Movies (Action/Anime/Sci-Fi/Drama.. da basics): STARWARS IS MY
- Sleeping Late
- Micro$oft Bashing (This is a good time for me.. at the current instant, 27
states have brought suit against the Bohemoth :)
- Nintendo64 Gamage
- Hangin with the Mupps in IRC ( channel #clan_muppet)
- Ohhh almost forgot... Coffeeeee.. I love Coffee (especially Iced Lattes)
- Other Games: Worms2, XvT, Jedi Knight
Kind of an old pic of me... about 5 yrs.
- Mondays
- Mornings
- People who complain in Quake
- People who accuse me of cheating in Quake... Just becuase I have a score
lead on them
- Internet Problems: Lag, Outtages, etc..
- Environmentalists
- Those yuppies that get in front of me at the Coffee shop because the think
that drinking coffee makes them look cool... As Dave Barry put it.. There should
be a law letting those of us with a true Medical Need for caffiene go first
- Cleaning: I really loath this one.. I try to avoid it with all possible
- Country Music: I hate this one with the White-Hot intensity of a thousand
suns. (probably from my 8 year stint in Carlsbad, NM